Pike Angler’s Alliance for Scotland Constitution

1. The Alliance shall be called: "The Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland"

(herein after referred to as the Alliance).

2. Objects.

The object of the Alliance shall be to: -Provide an organisation for Scotland made up of pike anglers

supportive of the concept of conserving, protecting and promoting pike angling in Scotland.

3. Membership.

3.1 Membership of the Alliance shall be open to all.

3.2 The annual subscription for individual members shall be determined at the Annual General

Meeting by those members present who are entitled to vote. The subscription thus determined.

should apply to the financial year following that in which the meeting takes place. The membership

year shall commence on the 3rd April and terminate on 2nd April.

3.3 All members shall be deemed to accept the terms of this constitution and the rules and byelaws.

published from time to time by the Executive Committee.

4. Executive Committee Members.

4.1 The affairs of the Alliance shall be conducted by an Executive Committee,

Which shall consist of the 5 Officers specified in clause 4.2, and the Products Manager, the Event's

Organiser, Magazine Editor and the Website Manager.

The Officers shall have the power to create further positions where the circumstances dictate, to be

confirmed at the next following A.G.M. the position/positions created being filled by way of the

democratic process.

4.2 The Officers of the Alliance shall be Chairman, General Secretary, Hon Treasurer, Assistant

Secretary and Membership Secretary who shall be elected at the appropriate Annual General

Meeting. One Officer only shall return annually in the order: Chairman, Treasurer and Gen Secretary

such that each position is filled for a period of three years, other than in exceptional circumstances.

The retiring officer shall be eligible for re-election. If the post of any Officer should fall vacant during

his term of office, the committee shall have the power to fill the post until the next Annual General


4.3 Members with a commercial interest in angling related matters or engaged in any other activity

that may be construed by the Officers of the Alliance as a potential conflict of interests, shall not be

eligible to stand as an Executive Committee Member.

4.4 The Officers shall have the power to co-opt members to serve until the Annual General Meeting.

Co-opted/non officers shall not have a vote in the affairs of the Executive Committee.

4.5 The Officers shall have the power to delegate its responsibilities to sub-committees and working

groups as necessary

4.6 The Officers shall have the power to create and maintain a set of Standing Orders for the

conduct of its business.

4.7 A quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be five members, three of whom at least

shall be Officers.

4.8 Decisions of the Officers shall be carried by a simple majority. The Chairman shall be non-voting

except in the event of a tie when he shall have the casting vote.

4.9 All decisions of any Sub Committees must be forwarded to the Executive Committee for

approval before action is taken on behalf of the Alliance.

4.10 If the conduct of any Alliance member shall, in the opinion of the Officers, be injurious to the

interest and character of the Alliance the Officers can suspend membership of the Alliance to said

member, and after a fair hearing, be empowered to expel that person from taking part in the Alliance

or any Alliance event, function or meeting, for such a period of time determined by the Officers, but

only on a majority vote of the Officers, all Officers being present when that vote is taken. Any person

or persons, groups or bodies that pursue legal action of any nature, that is injurious or not to the

Alliance and its members, will be summarily excluded from membership or obtaining membership at

a future point.

5. Branch Organisations.

5.1 Local "Branches" within the Alliance will be encouraged subject to the following requirements,

set up in areas within Scotland, and neighbouring areas where anglers actively pike fish in Scotland.

This will enable like-minded pike anglers within the Alliance to gather and organise, catering for

pike angling related matters in that area, in conjunction with the Executive Committee, to the

betterment of the sport in all matters pertaining to the stated objectives of the Alliance.

5.2 The post of BRANCH SECRETARY, whether of a self appointed nature, or elected by a prospective

or existing ALLIANCE BRANCH MEMBERSHIP, must be confirmed by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of

the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland. Members, who have commercial interests in angling related

matters or are engaged in any other activity that may be construed by the Executive Committee as a

potential conflict of interests, are not eligible to stand as BRANCH SECRATARIES. This confirmation

is conditional on the PROSPECTIVE or EXISTING BRANCH SECRETERY, giving an undertaking in

writing to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, stating that he/she will abide by the conditions set out

within the Constitution, or any amendments made to it at an A.G.M. or E.G.M

5.3 BRANCH SECRETARIES must ensure that all ALLIANCE BRANCH activities embarked upon are

consistent with the CONSTITUTION and CODE OF CONDUCT of the Pike Anglers Alliance for


5.4 No BRANCH SECRETARY may enter into any agreement or commitment on behalf of the

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland, without the express permission,

in writing, of the GENERAL SECRETARY of the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland.

5.5 The BRANCH SECRETARY must reflect the legitimate aspirations of their BRANCH MEMBERS in

their management of the BRANCH affairs, by way of an ALLIANCE BRANCH CONSTITUTION, which

must be approved by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the Pike Anglers Alliance for Scotland.

5.6 BRANCH SECRETARIES must ensure that membership of an ALLIANCE BRANCH of the Pike

Anglers Alliance for Scotland is available to ALL pike anglers, unless exceptional circumstances exist

or can be shown to exist for exclusion.

5.7 BRANCH SECRETARIES must ensure that on a pike angler joining an ALLIANCE BRANCH, the

pike anglers concerned, if not already an Alliance Member, takes out membership of the Pike Anglers

Alliance for Scotland within three months of attending their first Branch Meeting.

5.8 BRANCH SECRETARIES should foster good relations with all angling related organisations and

agencies within the BRANCH area for which they have responsibility.

5.9 Branch Secretaries/Committee Half yearly Meeting.

At an appropriate time within each membership year, a half yearly meeting, known as the Branch

Committees half year

neeting, will be held on a Saturday in order that policy issues can be

discussed with the Executive Committee. This meeting will be of an informal nature and

Constitutional issues cannot be discussed or decided upon.

6. Creation of Senior Members Positions.

Any person who shall have been a member of the Alliance, giving exceptional service and long-

standing service to the Alliance and who shall be eligible to be selected to such class of membership

by the Executive committee. This role is purely honorary and carries no voting powers at any

committee or branch meeting. But wholly as a mark of service given and recognizes their ability to

advise in future matters, relating to the Alliance.

7. General Meetings.

7.1 Annual General Meetings

7.2 The Alliance shall hold an Annual General Meeting as soon as possible after the end of April but

no later than the end of May each year.

7.3 At least three Officers must be present. All members may attend and shall be eligible to vote.

8 Extraordinary General Meetings.

8.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called on an application in writing to the Executive

Committee Officers supported by at least one third of the membership. The Executive Committee

Officers shall also have the power to call an Extraordinary Meeting by decision of a simple majority

of its members.

9 Notices.

9.1 At least 28 days notice shall be given to the membership by way of the PAAS website and/or

members forum

9.2 Any proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be received in writing by the Hon Secretary

at least 21 days before the date of the General Meeting. Proposed amendments will be accepted from

members only.

9.3 All members shall be notified of the agenda together with any notice of proposed amendments to

the Constitution at least 14 days before the General Meeting by way of the Alliance

Newsletter/Magazine, as the case may be

9.4 For the purposes of these notices proof of posting shall be deemed sufficient proof of notification

to members.

10 Voting.

10.1 Amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds majority of those present and

eligible to vote and may only be deemed at an AGM or Extraordinary General Meeting called for that


10.2 All other matters put to a vote shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and

eligible to vote.

10.3 The Chairman shall be non-voting but shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie

11 Finance and Accounts.

11.1 The financial year shall run from 1st March to the last day of February each year.

11.2 The Hon Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual statement of accounts

for the financial year, which shall be audited by an independent qualified person.

11.3 The statement of accounts shall be made available to all members at that meeting together with

the agenda for the Annual General Meeting.

11.4 The annual General Meeting shall have the power to appoint trustees to hold in trust all

properties and funds in the name of the Alliance. These trustees shall normally be Officers of the


11.5 All cheques drawn against Alliance funds shall be signed by at least two trustees.

11.6 All members shall be considered to be jointly responsible for any financial liability incurred on

behalf of the Alliance.

11.7 No sub-committee or individual member shall be at liberty to make any disbursement or incur

any debt in the name of or on behalf of the Alliance without first obtaining the approval of the

Executive Committee in writing.

11.8 No Committee, sub committee or individual member will be eligible for expenses incurred

whilst on Alliance business without first producing a valid dated receipt for said expenses. The

definition of Alliance business will be at the discretion of the committee. All expenses must be

claimed no later than 60 days from the claim date otherwise no claim can be made.

12. Rules and Byelaws.

12.1 The Executive Committee shall have the power to publish and enforce such Rules and Byelaws,

as they feel necessary to govern the activities of the Alliance.

13. Dissolution.

13.1 In the event of dissolution of the Alliance all equipment and monies be they sponsored or grant,

shall be returned to their respective donors. Any residual funds shall be distributed to membership

in line with the Executive Committee decision at that time.

13.2 The Alliance shall not be dissolved unless by agreement of at least three quarters of the
